Greetings, and Welcome to The Small Shoppe

After the example of my Chestertonian mentor, Dr. R. Kenton Craven, I here offer my ponderings and musings for your edification and/or education.

You are welcome to read what is written here, and encouraged to do so. Appropriate comments may well be posted.

Michael Francis James Lee
The Not-so-Small Shoppe-Keeper

Monday, May 5, 2014

There Are Times When What the Shepherds Really Need, is to Know the Sheep will Follow Them...

Having sought, and gratefully received, permission from my friend and brother in the Faith, Thomas Pringle of Lutz, Florida, I am here sharing a question he posed earlier today via social media:

Why do some Catholics, including some clergy, insist on neglecting their responsibility to teach the moral truths of the Church on human sexuality? If we don't lift our voices now, and defend what we know to be the Truth, we will lose our opportunity in the future. It's time to take a stand on these issues, (and) not back down from the fight.

And, here is my "answer," which I offered as a comment upon his post:

This is ONE reason we need to pray constantly for our clergy! The strength and courage they NEED to overcome the socio-political inertia only comes from Grace. In the Divine Economy, this grace is gained for them through the prayers, penances, fasting, sacrifices, and pain offerings of the faithful; especially the laity in their daily lives in the world. As we make these offerings, we must also clearly communicate to our shepherds that we are ready and willing to stand with them in this fight; and to follow them when they bravely step out in moral leadership.

In my life of some 60+ years, I have learned that there are times when those who would lead us simply need the reassurance that we will actually follow.

"Should" it be thus?  Oh, I suppose one could argue that it shouldn't.  Then again, as soon as one remembers that we deal with fragile human beings like ourselves, then it seems rather likely that whether or not it "should" be thus; it simply is.

The challenge I offer is therefore twofold: Take up arms as faithful laity in this spiritual warfare. And let your deacons, priests, and bishops know that you are doing so -- and that you will support them when they take what may be unpopular stands.

As we rightly expect our shepherds to assume the role proper to their God-given offices, we must rightly assume ours as well.